Kindergarten Performance Management

When my parents passed away, the family had to clear out their house to prepare it for sale. My brother and his wife came across a stack of report cards for my K-12 education. The stack included my kindergarten report card.

When I thought about the “Personal and Social Growth” items on my kindergarten report card, I recognized the kinds of behaviors that should be exhibited throughout our lives, not just in kindergarten.

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Be Bold: A Young Entrepreneur’s Advice on Reaching Success

“Originality implies being bold enough to go beyond accepted norms.” – Anthony Storr, psychiatrist

In this current “Information Age” there is no shortage of advice. For entrepreneurs, it is everywhere from family members and co-workers to news articles and blog posts such as this one. My major problem is separating the bad advice from the good. To make things easier on my fellow entrepreneurs, here are two very cliché pieces of advice that have always resonated with me.

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